† Susanna Kuratli – 02.10.2018

Susanna died on 2. October 2018 after a long illness. It was her wish, that the calendar continuous to be published and that her painting are shown in exhibitions. We will try to fulfil this wish.


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Welcome to the website of Susanna Kuratli

Oil paintings.
Traditional farmhouses of Switzerland.
Documentation of the diversity of the regions and methods of construction.

It is important to remember in order to retain our individual identity.
To know who we are, we have to know who we were.

We store all of our memories in our minds, believing that we have forgotten them. My pictures often serve to trigger memories for the people viewing them – they bring back happy, but also unpleasant, stories and events which we have forgotten from earlier times.


I was born in Thun in 1948. I embarked on my education as an artist by attending the School of Applied Arts and training as a decorator in Berne. After working in Geneva for a year, I underwent practical training in photolithography in a printing works. After that, I embarked on 3 years of further training as a draughtswoman in an architects’ office where, amongst other projects, I successfully produced 3 wall designs for the “Les Ailes” housing cooperative. Following a period in England to learn the language and my wedding, I worked for a further 2 years as an interior designer in shop construction.

My work

“I paint these pictures because I love these landscapes and houses. Roaming through Switzerland on small tracks is a relief to the eye and the soul.”

I find my subjects during long rambles and journeys across the Swiss countryside.
I take detailed photographs of these houses, which then serve as a basis for my paintings. I do not paint my pictures in the open air, but in a quiet working place in familiar surroundings at home.
More often that not I can visualise the finished painting, including sometimes in seasons other than those shown in the photographs. My aim is then to accurately produce the pictures in my mind. This is a long, drawn-out process requiring a great deal of craftsmanship.

The farmhouse

Scarcely any other country can boast such a huge variety of different cultural landscapes in such a small area, as can Switzerland.

For the most part, the various types of farmhouses have their origins in the various forms of agricultural management, which up to a few decades ago represented the most important sector of the economy for many regions. Suitable forms of cultivation and farming developed over centuries in the regions, shaped by the special topographical and climatic conditions. Whether agriculture, dairy farming or wine-growing, each form of cultivation and farming also produced its own architecture and its own functional buildings.


Hiring art

You can hire one or more of my paintings as follows:

Come and see me in my studio and pick out a painting of your choice. Alternatively, I can e-mail you an illustrated PDF catalogue of the paintings that are available.

Press Articles

“Es locken wunderschöne Bauernhäuser” – Wenn die Bauernhöfe, malerischen Tessiner oder Bündner Häuser und die Bauern-Heimetli irgendwo im Emmental oder in der Innerschweiz derart gekonnt gemalt sind, erübrigt sich eine Diskussion darüber, ob das jetzt Kunst sei: Die Bilder sprechen unmittelbar an, die Häuser sind hervorragend in die Natur eingepasst und stellen eine heile Bilderbuchwelt

Bremgarter Bezirks-Anzeiger

“Fermes suisses” – …..la fine peinture de Susanna Kuratli surprend au premier regard. Hyperréaliste, naïf, touchant de piété helvétique, c’est au choix.

La Presse, Riviera/Chablais

“Ausstellung: Zauberhafte Welt” – ….Susanna Kuratlis rund 200 Gemälde bieten als Ganzes einen unschätzbaren historischen Überblick über die einheimische Bauernhaus-Kultur.


“Höfe, Hühner und Weiden in Bremgarten” – …..Wider das Vergessen hält Susanna Kuratli seit 20 Jahren Schweizer Bauernhäuser, die umliegenden Landschaften, die Bauern und die Tiere in Öl fest. Eine Reise durch heile Welten kann man bis……

Schweizer Illustrierte

“Den schönsten Bauernhäusern in der Schweiz verpflichtet” – Die Bilder aus den verschiedensten Landesgegenden werden dabei jeweils zu einer informativen und vergnüglichen Tour de Suisse.

Aargauer Tagblatt

“Portraits of a literal mind” – “What have the Swiss to show after centuries of progress – the cuckoo clock?” The country has more to offer than that, of course, and Susanna Kuratli, currently artist in residence at the Peninsula, has recreated, with the traditional watchmaker’s eye for accuracy, portraits of centuries-old farm houses in

Eastern Express, HongKong

“Landwirtschaftliche Baukultur festgehalten” – …..Ordnet man Susanna Kuratlis Werke dem künstlerischen gängigen Begriff der naiven Malerei zu, wird man dem künstlerischen Schaffen dieser Frau nicht gerecht. Als gelernte Dekorateurin lernte sie, mit Farbe und Bildgestaltung perfekt umzugehen, und als sie sich im Toggenburg, der Heimat ihres Mannes, in die bäuerliche, naive Malerei einführen liess, hat

Bremgarter Bezirks – Anzeiger

….. Dabei versteht sie es meisterlich, Details aufzuzeichnen, die man mit einer Fotograpie nie zeigen könnte.

Thurgauer Volkszeitung


2016 Exhibition at AZ am Bach in Birmensdorf
2015 Exhibition at Galerie Burgener in Geneva
Schweizer Heimatwerk in Zürich
Schweizer Heimatwerk in Basel
2011 Ausstellung in Oberwil-Lieli
2010 Atelierausstellung, Arni
  6eme Festival Mondial d’art Naïf, Verneuil sur Avre, France
2009 1er Salon Mondial d’Art Naïf in Saint-Loubes, France
  Strohatelier, Rechthalten FR
  5e Festival Mondial d’art Naïf, Verneuil sur Avre, France
  Zweites Festival d’Art Naïf, Katowice (Polen)
  La Cadrerie Burgener, Genève
    Erstes Festival d’Art Naïf, Magdeburg (Deutschland)

Contact me

Get in touch

Fill the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Kuratli Verlag GmbH
Zollikerstrasse 207
8008 Zurich

Tel: +41 (0)56 634 18 08
Fax: +41 (0)56 634 24 32

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